Thursday, March 7, 2013

The Dreaded Potty Training!

Yes, I am blogging about potty training in my blog, if that doesn't scream "mom" I don't know what does.  We are currently potty training Kayleigh.  She will be three in April and we have started this whole process about 8 months ago.  No, it hasn't taken the whole 8 months because we have been following K's lead and began when she began to show interest.  She was still plenty young enough that I didn't feel a ton of pressure to get it done quickly.  We made the switch to pull-ups instead of diapers, bought some underwear and got out the "little" potty.  Other then that, we didn't do much. When K wanted to try she did, before and after bath we had her sit on the potty, etc.  This worked for us, it was relaxing and she was progressing nicely. 

Then she decided she was done.  Not done with pull-ups but rather done with the potty.  :( Ugh.

So we took a little break.  Over the past few weeks it has really picked and we were spending more time in underwear during the day. On Saturday morning K woke up, went to the potty and changed her pull-up all before coming into our room.  I knew that was my sign...time to go hard core potty mode.  This was actually working out because the next week was spring break so I had plenty of time to stay at home with her and get it done.  Sunday morning we put on underwear and did great.  We even went out shopping as a family for 2 hours with her only in underwear!! No accidents!  To anyone who has done this will completely understand how much of a nightmare it is when your potty training child, wearing underwear, tells you while loading back into the car after shopping they have to go potty!!  Of course they didn't say anything 5 minutes prior when they were in the store near a potty, no it has to be in the car! 

Sunday she only had 2 accidents
Monday only 1 accident
Tuesday she had 4 accidents (most of which were quickly caught as soon as she realized and ran to the bathroom)
Wednesday she only had 2....

That brings us to today....

We did everything as normal and she was doing fine.  We got home from the bus stop and she had an accident.  Okay, not a big deal.  Quick undie and pants change and then off to the grocery store.  We got home from shopping and I specifically asked if she had to go potty.  She told me no....I told her she needed to try ...she had a meltdown yelling "I told you I didn't have to go!"  2 minutes later....accident.  I bit my tongue, helped her change her clothes and nicely told her that I wasn't happy because I had just asked her.  She gave me cute K eyes and all was forgotten.  Since then it has happened again, twice!  I am getting frustrated now because it is only 1:00pm and she doesn't seem to care today.  Oh the joys of potty training!

Hoping the afternoon is better because I am SO ready to have another little Bergie potty trained!  We shall see....fingers crossed that we only have this for a few more days and I have the patience and strength to get through it!  :)

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