Tuesday, April 30, 2013

28 and a half days....

So the kids got off the bus today and informed me that there is only 28.5 days of school left!  Holy smokes, that went by fast!  We are all VERY ready for summer, the warm weather and relaxing days and most of all, THE BEACH but wow, I am not sure I am ready for summer vacation yet!  Four kids home all day, the "I'm Bored" that is definitely going to be coming out of their mouths but most of all....the he said she said issue.  I definitely need to start preparing now!  I need to start thinking of fun ideas to keep them occupied and my sanity. 

What to do, what to do.....ahhhh yes.....PINTREST!

Who doesn't love Pintrest and for those who don't use it, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?

I have found that you can seriously anything on Pintrest.  I love to look at recipes and get all excited about the future dinners I can make (which rarely happen but I can dream right?)

I guess 28.5 days is the right time to start pinning summer ideas.  I better get started.  The other thing to have fun with will be the reading clubs.  Our local library does one that tracks the pages the kids read and they earn prizes as well as entries into giveaways, etc.  The kids really love that and we can do weekly visits to the library, where the kids have a blast, all for FREE!  The Barnes and Noble here also does one for the older kids, they have to read 8 books and then they will earn a free book from the selected list.  They LOVE reading and then writing their recommendations all for the free book at the end!  I definitely recommend that EVERYONE with kids home for the summer look into reading programs.  Kids really enjoy them and they provide "something" to do in the summer, not to mention really making reading fun. 

So there it is....I'm now officially on summer vacation panic mode.  Hopefully I can put together a nice enjoyable summer vacation for the kids for all the days in between our very anticipated beach trips. 

Enjoy the month of May....it will go FAST!

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